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Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness is being in tune to how your actions affect the environment around you. Whether it is at work, home or anywhere you are. Being aware of Earth’s finite resources and how you impact this world is a great start to Environmental Wellness.

Simple things you can do to make environmental wellness part of your everyday wellbeing:

  • Use less. Less of everything. Reuse what you can and recycle what is left.
  • Limit your use of plastics. Bring your own water bottle, coffee cup and to-go containers.
  • Ride a bike, walk or use public transportation when you can.


Winterizing Your Yard


Raised Bed Gardening

Vegetable Gardening

Watering Home Gardens and Landscape Plants

Water Conservation in Gardens and Landscapes

How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides


Drought Tolerant Landscaping for Washington State

Native Plants for Spokane Area Gardens

Landscaping with Native Plants

Organic Pest Management


Gardening in Washington State


