Fall Semester Begins

Spokane, WA, United States

The Fall 2020 semester will begin on Monday, Aug. 24.

Nursing Graduate Programs Virtual Open House

Spokane, WA, United States

Learn about graduate nursing education at WSU College of Nursing during a virtual open house. Hear from current students and talk to program directors for the PhD, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and MN programs. Learn about degrees, programs and graduate certificates, career opportunities and financial aid.

Pharmacy virtual research seminar

Spokane, WA, United States

The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Virtual Research Seminar Series is excited to present Clark Kogan, PhD, clinical assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at WSU. In his presentation he will be discussing Bayesian Methods for Evaluating Diagnostic Tests in Medicine. Join Zoom meeting: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/91965219637?pwd=WXF0a3gycTdUUi9yKzQraU1mNWErZz09 Meeting ID: 919 6521 9637 Password: 497917

Webinar: Pharmacy school application tips

Spokane, WA, United States

Join College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Recruitment and Outreach Specialist Evan Barton to learn more about the Doctor of Pharmacy application process, the holistic application review process, tips to submit a competitive application, and admission interviews.

Webinar: Pharmacy school application tips

Spokane, WA, United States

Join our Recruitment and Outreach Specialist Evan Barton to learn more about the Doctor of Pharmacy application process, our holistic application review process, tips to submit a competitive application, and our admission interviews.

Pharmacy Research Seminar

Spokane, WA, United States

The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Seminars is excited to present David Rodrigues, PhD, Senior Scientific Director Head of the Transporter Sciences Group at Pfizer located in Croton, CT. His presentation is PK-ADME Science in Drug Discovery & Development: Increasing Fidelity, Complexity & Dynamism. Zoom: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/99989442102?pwd=am5qZk04ME9ac2w5cjVyMWFYNDB4dz09 Meeting ID: 999 8944 2102 Passcode: 771789

Health Chats: Diabetes 101

Spokane, WA, United States

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8LgwObVuV0&feature=youtu.be Join WSU professors Josh Neumiller and Cheyenne Newsome for a panel discussion on national trends in diabetes, what causes this chronic condition, and strategies for diabetes prevention. The two will also discuss their work related to diabetes care and the important roles that pharmacists can play in improving diabetes outcomes – including medication management […]

Cleveland Visiting Scholar Community Event

Spokane, WA, United States

Promoting Diversity & Equity in Nursing Practice The WSU College of Nursing welcomes Dr. G. Rumay Alexander, EdD, RN, FAAN, as its 2020 Cleveland Visiting Scholar. Dr. Alexander is currently a professor in the School of Nursing, Special Assistant to the Dean of the Adams School of Dentistry and formerly the Associate Vice-Chancellor for Diversity […]

Pharmacy school virtual fair

Spokane, WA, United States

Join us to learn more about the WSU PharmD program at the AACP Pharmacy School Virtual Fair! You can join anytime during the event and chat with current students and staff and have your questions about admissions, applying, and student life answered.