New episodes of the Health Sciences Update are online

WSU Spokane

Our Health Sciences Update programs air locally on Comcast channel 17 and feature a wide array of health sciences representatives from our campus and elsewhere.

These three recent episodes will soon start airing on channel 17:

1. Traci Couture of Providence Health Care and Matt Layton of WSU Spokane: Couture and Layton touch on a number of topics, including the Spokane Teaching Health Constortium, which is the partnership made up of WSU Spokane, Providence Health Care and Empire Health Foundation, and is the driving force behind the new teaching health clinic currently under construction on campus. They also touch on the clinic’s inter-professional approach to education and the need for more medical residents in our area.


2. Bill Savitz, CEO of Ignite Northwest: Savitz talks about Ignite Northwest, a local business accelerator, and how it works with local companies.


3. Mark VanDam, WSU Spokane Speech and Hearing Sciences: Mark VanDam talks about his research on baby talk.