High school students preview WSU Spokane’s health sciences

WSU Spokane

The next generation of health care professionals are all around us here in Spokane. Elementary, middle and high school students will someday be part of our health care workforce.

That’s why we bring them to campus any chance we get. Last week, more than 100 area high school students visited our lovely campus to learn about the health science programs we offer.

We call it the “Health Sciences Preview” and it is an afternoon program to give high school students a taste of what it’s like to be a student at WSU Spokane.

An expo of sorts kicked off the event, with displays from each program on campus set up for the students to tour and talk directly to current students in each health science program. The students also heard from Student Body Vice President Karl Nacalaban (pictured below) as he shared the unique culture on the WSU Spokane campus and what it is like being a student here.Karl Nacalaban

Students then broke off into groups according to the health science program they indicated an interest in.

For example, the nursing group went to the simulation lab to see how current nursing students study. The Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (NEP) group learned about the proper ways to plan meals and how current NEP students use the exercise room for their studies.

Keeping our talent in our area helps our workforce and grows our economy. This event is contributing to that goal.

WSU Spokane

WSU Spokane

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