One Medical School Bill Advances, Another to be Heard

WSU Medical School

As the legislative session moves along in Olympia, the state of two medical school bills in the House and Senate continues to be monitored.

So here’s an update:

In the Senate, SB 5487 advanced through the Ways & Means Committee last night. The bill now moves to the Rules Committee.

In the House, HB 1559 is scheduled for a hearing this afternoon in the Appropriations Committee.

Both bills are simple policy changes. They change a 1917 law that allows only the University of Washington to operate a public medical school. The bills would change that law and would allow Washington State University to operate a medical school, among other programs.

These bills don’t have any budgetary requirements attached to them. Budget talks will take place at a later date, although that date is creeping closer given that the legislative session is scheduled to conclude at the end of April. WSU and UW are currently in negotiations over how to address WWAMI resources now that the partnership is ending.

WSU is also asking the legislature for $2.5 million in startup funds to work through the accreditation process.

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