Researcher Shares Why You Might Often Be Tired

Amy Sparrow WSU Spokane

Kids. Work. Soccer games. Pursuing medical schools.

There are a number of things that keep us busy. All of these things may make us tired, and being tired is no fun.

Amy Sparrow (pictured) is a researcher in our Sleep and Performance Research Center and penned an article that ran in the Independent (a UK news outlet) and on Sparrow points out a few reasons why people always feel tired.

For example, did you know keeping your room temperature slightly cooler than normal can help you sleep? Or that being hydrated is helpful when trying to sleep?

Sparrow also points out that while alcohol can put us to sleep, it also often wakes us up in the middle of the night, and that’s not good.

Sparrow also says avoiding bright lights before bedtime is a wise choice. That means put down the tablet or other device. KXLY explored that issue with us last year.

Getting the right amount of sleep is important for good health. Our Sleep and Performance Research Center continues to look at ways humans can improve their health with a good night’s sleep.