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SAC 205 (Spokane Academic Center)

Room Features and Equipment

  • 18 seat classroom
  • Moveable tables and chairs
  • Projector and screen; monitor for videoconferencing
  • Computer
  • HDMI cable for laptop/tablet
  • White board
  • Document camera
  • Zoom enabled videoconferencing (Real Presence Group Series 700)
    • 1 instructor camera, 1 student camera
  • Microphones (for videoconferencing only)
    • 1 wired microphone on podium
    • Overhead student microphone
  • Assisted listening-Zoom
    • Contact Classroom Support Services before class/event 86770 or (509) 368-6770
  • Phone number: (509) 368-6631
    • Classroom phones can only dial out to 5 digit on campus or 911

If you have questions about equipment in a room please feel free to contact the Technical Support Center at: or call 87748 or (509) 358-7748