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Campus Room Directory

The WSU ITS Classroom Technology Support staff focus on the technology used in the rooms on the WSU Spokane campus in various ways.  This page provides information about the General University use classrooms, conference rooms, and event spaces available to schedule on the campus.


The link below is to an Excel file with the list of rooms and attributes:

WSU Spokane Campus Room List FALL 23


Listed below are the buildings on campus with the scheduling name shortcut.  Please click on the building link to see the list of rooms, pictures, and equipment available in these rooms.


Spokane Academic Center (SAC)

Academic Center from the outside


Spokane Center for Clinical Research and Simulation (SCRS)

SCRS from the outside


Spokane Medicine Building (SMED)

Picture of SMED-Medicine building


Spokane Health Science Building (SHSB)

Spokane Health Sciences Building from the outside


—Spokane Health Education and Research (SHER)

Spokane Health Education and Research (SHER) from the outside


Spokane Nursing Building (SNRS)

Spokane Nursing Building (SNRS) from the outside


Spokane Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Building (SPBS)

Spokane Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Building (SPBS) from the outside


If you have questions about equipment in a room please feel free to contact the Technical Support Center at: or call 87748 or (509) 358-7748.