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Environmental Health and Safety

Assisting the campus community in promoting a safe and healthy environment for all individuals associated with WSU Health Sciences Spokane.

Safety Data Sheets

WSU Health Sciences Spokane has contracted with an outside company, KHA online SDS (KHA), for maintaining safety data sheets (SDSs).

All departments on the WSU Health Sciences Spokane campus are to maintain their SDSs online, and all employees who work with these hazardous chemicals should be instructed in how to access them. If employees do not have access to a computer close to their work area, hard copies of the SDSs should be available for them as well.

SDS mobile logoKHA Online SDS App

An app can be downloaded through the App Store or Google Play by searching for “KHA SDS Mobile.” To access the WSU Health Sciences Spokane database, use the following information:

Password: SdS21

Chemical Inventory

KHA has an option to maintain a chemical inventory. If you are interested in using this option, contact EH&S and we will assist you in getting started.

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