Health Sciences Library
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the library located?
The Health Sciences Library is on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Spokane Academic Center building at 600 Riverpoint Blvd in Spokane. To enter, use the main doors on the 2nd floor.
Where can I park?
The city has one-hour parking available on Spokane Falls Blvd and Riverpoint Blvd bordering campus. For information regarding parking on campus or visiting by bus, see the Spokane Parking and Transportation Services page.
How is the Health Sciences Library related to WSU Libraries?
The Health Sciences Library is a separate administrative unit from WSU Libraries, but works closely with all libraries that are part of the WSU system. We share a library catalog, and patrons can request books from any WSU library across the state, even when it is not held at the Health Sciences Library. Most online databases subscribed to by the Health Sciences Library or the other libraries in the system are accessible to all WSU affiliated patrons, and are not restricted by campus or academic unit. Most of the health-sciences databases, services, and materials at WSU are acquired and managed by the Health Sciences Library.
Patrons with health sciences questions about the library, services, or research queries can get some limited assistance at the other libraries in the system, but many of these questions will be referred to the Health Sciences Library for follow-up. This is because our services may differ slightly from the other libraries, and health sciences information requires specialized knowledge regarding practices in the health sciences field as well as applicable research strategies and databases.
Who can use the library?
The library is open and welcoming to all. Students, faculty, and staff of Washington State University are the primary users of the library; those who are based on the Spokane campus also have 24/7 card access to the library, even outside of staffed hours. Individuals unaffiliated with the university, but who live in the area, are invited to register for community patron library cards at the library’s circulation desk with photo ID and proof of mailing address (such as a piece of mail).
Who can use the computers in the library?
There are several computers on the 2nd floor near the circulation desk, which are available for anyone to use. Both WSU affiliates and community users are welcome to take advantage of our online resources at any of our computer stations.
Where are the library books located?
The Health Sciences Library’s circulating collection is shelved on the upper floor of the library. Reference books, periodicals, and course reserve materials are shelved on the library’s main floor. Most of the library’s health sciences materials are digital, and can be accessed remotely (for WSU affiliates) through the library website, or at any of our computer stations (accessible to all library patrons, including community members).
How long do items check out?
The loan period depends on the type of material, type of patron, and owning library. For WSU-owned circulating books, the following general loan periods apply:
- Undergraduate students: 6 weeks
- Graduate students: 1 semester
- Faculty: 1 semester
- Visiting scholars: 6 weeks
- Community patrons: 6 weeks
For materials owned by libraries other than WSU, the loan periods are dependent on the lending library’s policies, which are often on the order of 4-6 weeks.
If you have questions specific to the materials you are borrowing, please contact us by email or phone, at (509) 358-7930.
Do you charge fines?
All material checked out from the WSU Libraries is subject to fines and fees if late, lost, or damaged, up to and including replacement costs. Different kinds of materials have different check out periods and different fine schedules. Fines accrue during all hours the library is open, including holidays. An overdue notice is usually sent as a courtesy reminder; however, you are responsible for returning borrowed items on time whether or not you receive a notice.
Bills for outstanding fines are mailed directly to the borrower. Payments may be made to the Office of the Controller online or in person. Library fees must be paid before student is allowed to graduate/receive their diploma or request transcripts. Any questions about library charges may be made through the Library Fines Questions form.
How are library rules and policies determined?
The library rules and policies are determined by the Washington State Legislature.