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30 Day Green Challenge for March 2017

By: Tera Lessard
Learning & Career Specialist
WSU Spokane, Student Affairs

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a “waste-not, want-not” kind of person.  Last April, when I accepted a position at WSU, I was excited.  Of course I was excited about the job, and the innovative community I was joining, but I was also looking forward to taking advantage of alternative commuting options.  I wasn’t sure if I could be successful biking to work and back home each day, so I set a goal.  I called it my 30 Day Green Challenge.  My goal was to bike to work at least 4 days a week, for 30 days.  I wanted to give myself one day to drive in case I needed to lug large items to work, or attend mid-day appointments.  I am glad to report that I was successful with my 30 Day Green Challenge.  Beyond successful.  I found that I could be pretty creative with bringing larger items on my bike, and that most of my appointments could be scheduled within walking or biking distance of campus.  I only drove to work two days that month.

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