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30 Day Green Challenge for March 2017

By: Tera Lessard
Learning & Career Specialist
WSU Spokane, Student Affairs

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a “waste-not, want-not” kind of person.  Last April, when I accepted a position at WSU, I was excited.  Of course I was excited about the job, and the innovative community I was joining, but I was also looking forward to taking advantage of alternative commuting options.  I wasn’t sure if I could be successful biking to work and back home each day, so I set a goal.  I called it my 30 Day Green Challenge.  My goal was to bike to work at least 4 days a week, for 30 days.  I wanted to give myself one day to drive in case I needed to lug large items to work, or attend mid-day appointments.  I am glad to report that I was successful with my 30 Day Green Challenge.  Beyond successful.  I found that I could be pretty creative with bringing larger items on my bike, and that most of my appointments could be scheduled within walking or biking distance of campus.  I only drove to work two days that month.

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Why Should I Attend #StressAndHealthyU?

By: Richard Young, PhD Candidate, Nutrition Exercise Physiology
Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University

As a SERE Specialist in the Air Force Special Operations (AFSOC), I instructed select Department of Defense personnel in stress management from combat survival and captured situations in order to return with honor. I finished my undergraduate education at the University of Washington and I am a 4th year PhD candidate studying the impact of exercise on the body’s ability to tolerate and recovery from stressful events.

What I believe is of significant importance is that people understand the impact that chronic stress has on health outcomes. Beyond gastrointestinal distress, tension headaches, and lost sleep, stress can have serious consequences.  Stress has been implicated in cardiovascular disease, immune dysfunction, and shrinkage of the amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for memory.

It is impossible to avoid stress in life. Therefore, your attendance will arm you with the ability to detect signs that will help you identify and counter any stress that you may be experiencing before it becomes chronic and problematic.

Richard Young will be a panelist at #StressAndHealthyU at WSU Spokane January 12th from 12:00-1:00pm in SAC 20. Students, faculty, and staff from the university district are encouraged to attend!

How Mindfulness Reduces Stress

By: Tracy L. Skaer, Pharm.D., Professor of Pharmacotherapy
College of Pharmacy, Washington State University

Jon-Kabat-Zinn describes mindfulness as, “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, nonjudgmentally to the unfolding experience moment by moment.” Mindfulness has been found to reduce stress as well as gradually building inner strength to ensure that future stressful situations have less impact on our physical and emotional well-being.
Mindfulness reduces stress by: » More …

Can We Control Stress?

By: Naomi Chaytor, PhD, ABPP, Associate Professor
Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University

Dr. Chaytor is a clinical psychologist with expertise in brain-behavior relationships (how our brains take in our world and produce emotions, thinking and other behavior). She was a practicing clinical neuropsychologist at UW Medicine for 11 years working with patients with neurological illness and injury.  She conducted evaluations of patients in order to better understand the cognitive and emotional consequences of brain changes and help them return to work, school or home. She also did short-term problem focused psychotherapy helping patients adjust to their illness or injury. » More …

Mindful Eating

Stop eating mindlessly – placing food in your mouth unconsciously, barely chewing, and not tasting it. Take some time with each bite paying particular attention to the sensations (smell, sight, sound, and taste), thoughts, and feelings. Here’s how to eat mindfully and fully enjoy all of the tasty offerings. » More …