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Health and Wellness Search Results

Mindful Tips for the Holidays

By: Tracy L. Skaer, PharmD, Professor of Pharmacotherapy

While there is often much joy surrounding family gatherings during the holiday season, some may experience increased tension. Practice these mindful techniques to help you increase empathy, reduce stress, improve relationship satisfaction, and better enjoy your holiday moments.

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How Mindfulness Reduces Stress

By: Tracy L. Skaer, Pharm.D., Professor of Pharmacotherapy
College of Pharmacy, Washington State University

Jon-Kabat-Zinn describes mindfulness as, “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, nonjudgmentally to the unfolding experience moment by moment.” Mindfulness has been found to reduce stress as well as gradually building inner strength to ensure that future stressful situations have less impact on our physical and emotional well-being.
Mindfulness reduces stress by: » More …

Mindful Eating

Stop eating mindlessly – placing food in your mouth unconsciously, barely chewing, and not tasting it. Take some time with each bite paying particular attention to the sensations (smell, sight, sound, and taste), thoughts, and feelings. Here’s how to eat mindfully and fully enjoy all of the tasty offerings. » More …

The Cultivation of Mindfulness

By Tracy L. Skaer, PharmD, Professor of Pharmacotherapy

I would like to share the following email message that I received from one of my mentors, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn today in the wake of the latest tragedies in Nice, France.

“It strikes me at this particular moment on the planet that the well-being of the world itself depends on our willingness—each and every one of us—to tap into our capacity for embodied wisdom. That is precisely what the cultivation of mindfulness offers. It is a way to, in Derek Walcott’s words, “give back your heart to yourself,” and in doing so, to live and love and work in ways that are inwardly and outwardly healing and transformative. » More …

Tips for managing stress

By Tracy Skaer, WSU College of Pharmacy

There are two categories of stress: eustress and distress. Eustress is the beneficial type that helps motivate our lives and keep us happy, connected, active, challenged, motivated and productive. However, when stress becomes intolerable and/or manageable then detrimental distress becomes apparent. Distress leads to several negative outcomes including poor decision making, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, increases in blood pressure, indigestion, hyperventilation, reduced or increased appetite, substance abuse, and poor coping skills.

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Wellness Collaborative: you asked, we listened

Well Being Wheel

2015 is an exciting year for the WSU Spokane Health Sciences campus with the re-launch of the Wellness Collaborative. Our mission is to foster a thriving culture of wellness for the campus community that will provide ongoing access to resources, workshops, articles, classes, and much more to help you excel in all realms of your health.

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Emotional Wellness

A WSU employee holds a cat during the March 2018 Employee Wellness Camp

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness refers to your ability to handle emotions in a constructive way to maintain a positive emotional state. It inspires self-care, relaxation, stress reduction, and the development of inner strength.

It is important to be aware of both positive and negative feelings and be able to understand how to handle these emotions. Stress can be a major factor in your emotional wellness, and each person deals with it differently. Emotional wellness begins with your ability to listen to yourself and accept your feelings in a positive way, thereby enabling yourself to form supportive and interdependent relationships with others.

Enjoy the present moment without judgment to reduce your stress, improve sleep, concentration and mood.” – Dr. Skaer

Emotional Wellness Signs

  • Able to talk with someone about your emotional concerns and share your feeling with others
  • Able to say “no” when you need to without feeling guilty
  • Feel content most of the time
  • Have people in your life that care about you – a strong support network
  • Able to relax when needed
  • Feel good about who you are

Take the Emotional Wellness Quiz

  • Am I able to maintain a balance with work, family, friends, and other obligations?
  • Do I have ways to reduce stress in my life?
  • Am I able to make decisions with a minimum of stress and worry?
  • Am I able to set priorities?
  • Do I feel calm and relaxed most of the time?
  • Am I happy with my work/life as it is?