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Campus Pantry

Campus Pantry is a resource open to all WSU Spokane and EWU Spokane Students only.
More community-based resources.


Distribution Schedule

Below are the distribution hours and location in the
Spokane Health Science Building (SHSB) 110AA.

Distribution Hours:
Tuesday 3-5 pm
Wednesday 4-5pm
Thursday (varies please see social media for times)

Social Media:
Instagram @CampusPantry
Facebook @WSUCampusPantry

To schedule a time outside distribution hours, schedule here. We’re happy to help!

Campus Pantry Funding

Funding for Campus Pantry is provided by both WSU Spokane and EWU and community organizations including BECU and Yaya Brewing Company. A partnership with Second Harvest allows the pantry to stock fresh fruits and vegetables.


Donations are gladly accepted and appreciated. Monetary donations and shelf stable food items can be sent to

WSU Spokane Campus Pantry
412 E Spokane Falls Blvd
Attn: SAC 107
Spokane WA 99202

Food donations may be left in the cardboard donations box outside the pantry.

Greatest needs:

  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Canned soups (meat and vegetarian)
  • Canned corn
  • Canned beans (black beans and chickpeas)
  • Canned vegetables (corn, diced tomatoes, tomato paste)
  •  Hygiene products

Campus food drives are held twice a year and are a contest between departments to see which unit can donate the most food. A trophy is awarded.